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On Sunday, February 13, with more than 40 members in attendance—and many others tuning in online—our community of faith celebrated the recognition of Spirit of Hope United Church as an Affirming Ministry within the United Church of Canada. Over the past two years, led by our Affirm Team, we completed the Affirming Ministry educational programme and issued a statement of faith and action which welcomes people of all sexual orientations and gender identities into every aspect of our life and work.

The Team made several colourful additions to the set up for this special service, including the Affirm United banner, rainbow cloth draping the pulpit and communion table and a special candle. A rainbow mask was given to each person who attended!

The service was very moving and inspiring! Worship host Eve Cooper delivered an eloquent introduction and then placed a colourful butterfly ornament she had made on the table. Affirm Team members Naomi Gue, Hazel Gue, Lisa Bahnsen, Marlene Salmonson, Evelyn Porter, Vici Wynn and Chris Meintzer participated in the service. The choir sang a special anthem composed by our Music Director Warren Mack entitled “Oh Love Unbounded Let Us Show.”
After lighting the special candle, Reverend Blaine reminded us that this occasion was one to celebrate as a point on our continuing journey towards greater understanding, compassion and action. Photo by Rick Bramm

In her reflection, Evelyn Porter, Affirm Team member and Leadership Team Chair delivered a powerful reminder of what it means to be cast out as different and the joy and relief of being accepted by an Affirming community.

“Just imagine! Being different. Keeping a dark secret out of fear. Being completely vulnerable. Feeling all alone. Being constantly repressed and in deep depression. Knowing rejection without limitation. Suffering both institutional and everyday in-your-face isolation and harassment. Never knowing or having “a safe place.” 
Living perpetually “in a closet.” For people who are LGBTQ2S+, this is Reality, not Imagination!

But imagine (if this was you), finding an Affirming home: the tremendous relief, the refuge, the connection, experiencing wholeness and acceptance of oneself, a resurrection and being saved!”

Evelyn reminded us of what we had heard in the Scripture readings, that we are all God’s creatures, children of God, made in the image of God with all our diversity; together and inclusively! She concluded by stating and challenging us to be a living, happening environment challenging norms, being a journey – not a destination, not just surviving but adventuring, rejoicing in our differences and being a complex, loving, caring and inspiring community. 

The full text of her comments is posted on our website at: or contact our office for a printed copy.

Reverend Mervin Gallant, representing the United Church of Canada and Affirm United (the organization responsible for recognizing Affirming Ministries within the United Church of Canada) brought greetings and presented the certificate of recognition (there are now 271 Affirming Ministries in Canada). A letter of support and congratulations from the Right Reverend Richard Bott, Moderator of the United Church of Canada was read. Photo by Rick Bramm


This remarkable service was recorded and is posted on our YouTube channel at: if you wish to view it or see it again.

Our Affirm Team with Reverend Mervin Gallant: (back row, left to right) Reverend Blaine Gregg, Evelyn Porter, Chris Meintzer, Lisa Bahnsen, Reverend Mervin Gallant; (front row left to right) Vici Wynn (team lead), Marlene Salmonson, Hazel Gue, Naomi Gue. Absent: Keith Kasha and Joanie Parker. Photo by Rick Bramm


We rejoice in the understanding and compassion we have gained through the intense and creative efforts of our Affirm Team. We thank all members of the team (including Reverend Heather Wright who preceded Reverend Blaine) and pledge to continue to walk and work on our collective life-affirming journey.

Our Affirming Ministry certificate. Photo by Rick Bramm

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