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On Sunday, February 27, 2022, we at Spirit of Hope United Church walked through a new door to gather and worship together in a truly transformed and beautiful sanctuary, a Sacred Space. The service was attended by more than 70 people, with more joining us via YouTube. Here are some highlights of this momentous occasion. Our thanks to Rick Bramm for taking these photographs.

The baptismal font is where we gather water and recognise that we are one family in God. It is a symbol of the role of Baptism as an ever-welcome part of our lives; cleansing, renewing and quenching. Because God first welcomes us, we in turn welcome each other. The lectern/pulpit is where we talk with each other; read and listen to ancient words of Scripture; tell the stories of our faith; where we think, pray and hope, reflect on what God might be calling us today to see in our line of sight. The central table is a reminder of Jesus’s last supper – where we celebrate the Eucharist, communion together. More importantly, he said, “it’s place at which people gather to share the intimacy of the day. Think of it as the breakfast nook of the Church, or its formal dining table, or the corner table at the coffee shop.” Lastly, the empty space provides room for something else for the day to be emptied and filled as the Spirit gives us new things to be front and centre; to learn, grow and change.

“As modern disciples of the same Way of faith, we are invited to continue to listen,” he said, “to learn, understand, grow and change.”


Although we will move forward cautiously as public health limitations are lifted, Reverend Blaine believes we will also do so boldly, introducing ourselves to each other and neighbours and strangers beyond our building. Ready to listen and to be transformed; heeding the call to follow in Jesus’ Way in the days and years to come.


The full text of his reflection is posted on our website at: . Please contact our office if you would like to have a printed copy sent to you. The service was live-streamed on YouTube and recorded for future viewing – with high broadcast quality.


Spirit of Hope’s treasurer Kevin Gue, a key force behind the renovation, was honoured during the service. Kevin brought all his skills and experience from his working life as a engineer to his role as lead of the Renovations Sub-Committee and liaison with the architect and construction company.

Warren Mack (left) our Music Director and stained-glass artist, was commissioned to make a window as a token of our appreciation to Kevin Gue for the key role he played in bringing the renovation dream to fruition. “Let there be Light” expresses our gratitude to him for being the guiding light through this project.

Pat Buckie, speaking on behalf of the Renovation Sub-Committee, noted that most importantly Kevin brought unwavering enthusiasm for church life and love for this congregation. Pat also thanked the many volunteers who purged and packed up items for storage – and then helped with unpacking and setting up the rooms for use. He also acknowledged those who provided their feedback on paint and tile colour and the new chairs. Kevin also noted the significant role that Cathy Martin has played from the beginning, as Chair of Property, Finance and Stewardship Committee.


Pat Buckie, speaking on behalf of the Renovation Sub-Committee, noted that most importantly Kevin brought unwavering enthusiasm for church life and love for this congregation. Pat also thanked the many volunteers who purged and packed up items for storage – and then helped with unpacking and setting up the rooms for use. He also acknowledged those who provided their feedback on paint and tile colour and the new chairs. Kevin also noted the significant role that Cathy Martin has played from the beginning, as Chair of Property, Finance and Stewardship Committee.

The excellent acoustics of the renovated space were demonstrated throughout the service, from the choir beginning the service with Antonio Vivaldi’s “Gloria” anthem, the Chancel Ringers (under the direction of Lois Samis Lund) playing during the Scripture reading, to the organ postlude “Now Thank We All Our God” by Sigfried Karg-Elert played by Warren Mack.

Here is the view from the back of the sanctuary. The memorial candle-lighting table is back, along the right-hand wall. Attendees are invited to light a candle as a moment of prayer or reverence. or in memory or honour of someone.

After the service people gathered (at appropriate distance) to talk and explore other parts of the building. Chandos Construction project director Andrew McElheran, architect Barb Reid and Kevin Gue met in front of our chancel feature wall. (Unfortunately, Chandos’s construction site superintendent Matt Boucher was unable to attend our opening service.)

The front and side feature walls includes four memorial windows from the former Knox-Metropolitan United Church building and ten windows created by Warren Mack for this new space. Warren will be leading a tour of the sanctuary windows on Saturday, March 6 beginning at 10 a.m. For more information, please see this issue of The Spark.


We look forward to bringing you more news of activities in our beautiful new Spirit of Hope United Church building and to gathering and meeting together here with you.

Renovation Updates

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